When The Business Is In Trouble, Take These Steps

Whether you’ve just recently noticed a downturn in your profits or you’ve begun to worry about the financial future of your business, there are several steps that you can try to take to get your business back on the right track. Hire a New Accountant Sometimes putting a fresh pair of eyes on your finances is a great step to take when your business isn’t doing well financially. A business accountant, like those at Broutman & Co.

Keep These Receipts For Your Bookkeeper When You Run A Home-Based Business

When you run your own home-based business, it’s vitally important to find a reputable bookkeeper who can help you with your finances. While a bookkeeper can certainly be an asset throughout the year, this professional becomes even more valuable around tax time. It can be challenging for the average entrepreneur to file his or her own income tax and end up paying as little in tax as possible. With proper bookkeping, you’ll be able to write off a wide range of expenses that can help to lower your net income.

3 BIG Reasons Freelance Writers Should Hire a CPA

Being a freelance writer has its perks for sure. You pretty much get the opportunity to accept only the projects you want and create your own work schedule, and being a freelance writer also puts you more in control of your own finances. However, being a freelance writer essentially means you are the owner, chief executive, and manager of your own business. Therefore, the financial aspects of your business as a whole can be a major headache.

6 Cheap (Or Free) Ways To Get A Bigger Tax Refund

Just about everyone who files taxes is looking for ways to pay less or get a bigger refund. The good news is that with a little extra work or documentation, there are several ways you can do exactly that – without changing how you live. Here are 6 of the highest grossing tips for boosting your refund. Check Your Filing Status. If you’re married, compare the tax benefits of filing separately or together.

Find The Right CPA For Your Small Business With These 3 Criteria

Choosing the right certified public accountant (CPA) can have a big impact on a small business’ financial health. The right CPA won’t just fill out forms for taxes, but they’ll also help small business owners identify their company’s financial strengths and weaknesses so that they can build on the former and address the latter. If you own a small business, here are three key criteria to consider when selecting a CPA.

First-Time Business Owner? Tips For Successfully Getting Your Payroll System Up And Running

If you’re starting a business, you are going to need to establish a payroll system. This is true whether you plan to have a single employee or 50 people working under you. Here are a few tips that will help you get your payroll system off the ground while staying compliant with all pertinent laws: Get an Employer Identification Number (EIN). The first step to ensuring that you and your business are ready for payroll is to apply for an employer identification number (EIN).